In 2014, Jackson and his wife embarked on a mission to make quality education accessible by establishing a school. As dedicated educators, they have successfully provided education to over 400 students. However, as the school expanded, so did the transportation demands.
Facing the need for an additional van, Jackson initiated a search for viable solutions. It was through the van’s owner, whom he intended to purchase from, that he discovered our microfinance support. Jackson approached us, securing financing to acquire the essential school van.
Since then, this additional transportation asset has not only met the school’s logistical needs but has also played a crucial role in attracting more families to enroll their children. The improved accessibility has contributed to the school’s growth.
Looking ahead, Jackson aspires to secure another loan to further expand his school. His vision is to provide an even larger number of children with the foundational keys to a better life through education. We’re proud to be a part of Jackson’s journey and support his commitment to educational excellence.
You too can also realize your dreams with the right financial partner. Get in touch with us today and let us help you create impact in your family and the community around you!
Call us: 0722-399-176